Education Advice & Tips Handwriting Tips

Assessing Your Child’s Handwriting At Home

Parents can play an crucial role in assessing their child's handwriting, but it can be tricky to distinguish between typical...
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Education Advice & Tips Handwriting Tips

Parents Beware – The ‘Thumb Wrap’ Pencil/Pen Grip is Making a Return

Did you know that one of the most important tools for success is a good pencil/pen grip? It increases the...
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Education Advice & Tips

Making Up for Lost Time: Tips for Catching Up on Summer Learning

Summer learning doesn't have to be a drag! With these tips, you can catch up on all the learning you...
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Education Advice & Tips

Making the Most of Early Childhood Education

The benefits of early childhood education The early years of a child’s life are crucial for their development. During this...
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Handwriting Tips

5 Handy Tips to Help Preschoolers Improve Their Handwriting

School Readiness Starting school is a huge milestone for kids of all ages. It can be a bit daunting, but...
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